Best for imaging live or fixed thick samples and for Intravital Imaging.
Leica inverted DMi8 microscope with heated & CO2 environmental chamber, White Light and 2 other lasers, Transmitted light detection, 1 PMT and 3 High sensitivity detectors.
Confocal mode has a small field-of-view and is primarily for live cell imaging on thicker samples. It is not intended for scanning large samples.
Nikon inverted microscope with XYZ stage, left lateral arm Yokogawa spinning disk module and Andor Clara camera, right lateral arm wide field epifluorescence module, transmitted light detection and Photometrics camera, back illumination TIRF module, environmental chamber, four lasers, seven line solid state illumination source
Nikon inverted microscope with XYZ stage and environmental chamber, left lateral arm scanning head with a four standard detector unit and a 32 ultra fast spectral (resonant scanning) detector unit, four lasers, seven line solid state illumination source, and right lateral arm wide field epifluorescence module, transmitted light detection and Andor Clara camera, and Lumen illumination source
Olympus inverted IX83 microscope with heated and CO2 stage incubator, five lasers, transmitted light detection, three PMTs and two high sensitivity detectors